Learn more about the Zero-Cost / Low-Cost Course Materials Grant. This online session will provide information about the benefits of eliminating or reducing course material costs, our students' perspective, support for locating materials, and grant implementation details. Please bring any questions.
The call for proposals in spring 2024 for summer or fall 2024 courses accepts not only applications that eliminate course material costs to zero but also applications that reduce or minimize course material costs.
Course materials selected may include OER, library-licensed materials, and/or low-cost options.
Faculty are invited to apply for one of the following awards.
1. $1000 one-time award for the adoption of an existing OER and/or use of Library licensed materials to eliminate course materials costs for students.
2. $1,000 one-time award for reducing course costs to $40.00 or less in an existing course. Note: This must involve at least a 30% reduction in course material costs over the last time the course was offered.
3. $1,000 one-time award for ensuring course material costs do not exceed $20.00 for a new course. Course materials selected may include OER, Library licensed materials, and/or low-cost options.
4. $1,500 one-time award for modifying an existing OER to eliminate course materials costs for students. OER may be modified by editing or creating content such as additional chapters, modules, question banks, or lecture slides.
Zoom Link: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/81589976715?pwd=V2FzeW1pUVhRY2V1VVpWdHpWU1BmZz09&from=addon
Full grant details are available at our Low & No-Cost Educational Resources guide. For more information, please contact Sara Davidson Squibb, AUL for Research & Engagement at sdavidson2@ucmerced.edu
Registrations: Appreciated though not required
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