Event box

Data Visualization in Python In-Person

Data Visualization in Python

This workshop teaches the fundamentals of data visualization in Python. We will discuss creating graphs with Matplotlib, creating custom themes with Seaborn, and exporting high-quality figures for publication.

Participants should install Python on their computer prior to the workshop. You can find installation instructions for your operating system here: https://libguides.ucmerced.edu/software-carpentry/python/install

Related LibGuide: Software Carpentry by Derek Devnich

Friday, March 21, 2025
9:30am - 12:30pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
KL 260
  Faculty     Graduate Students  
  Data Carpentry     Workshop  

Registration is required. There are 9 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Derek Devnich
Derek Devnich

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